Exam Notification
SSR Cycle-II 2024 Durga Mahavidyalaya, Raipur
Welcome to Durga Education Society

The Durga Education Society was founded by late pandit Ramanarayan ji Dixit, They contributed in the firld of education by providing their open hearted help for developing colleges which are regularly providing the top level education. It became one of the popular degree college of Chhattisgarh.

The social and political figures, who are all commited to one cause, that is to create and developed experts education facilities, in order to train deserving young men and women, who have an ambition to pursue higher studies in Arts, Commerce, and are desirous of acquiring skills and to make available the much needed expert personnel and skilles manpower to the fast growing nation and institutions in the fields of various branches of education.

The Durga Education Society has contributed in the field of education by establishing the following academic institutions of repute ....

  • Sau Kusum Tai Dabke Law College. K. K. Road, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
  • Durga Mahavidyalaya, K. K. Road, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
  • Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya, K. K. Road, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
Memorable Contribution of Legends

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